Tuesday, January 7, 2020

There is a Coup Afoot in the Palace

Ah, the storm clouds are gathering, the cabal is meeting and there
is a coup afoot.  The madman is becoming a bit more to handle
than once thought.  The plot to impeach was thought to be a sure
thing, but some Senators are asking for a bit more than originally
planned.  They want guarantees of election victories before they
cast their fate with the plotters.

It seemed so simple at the beginning, put the buffoon in and pay
no attention to the man behind the curtain.  But the chump had
some ideas of his own.  Ever since daddy put him in military school,
he was in awe of the uniforms and medals, just not enough to risk
winning one himself, not for combat that is, but for avoiding syphilis

So he surrounded himself with generals of every ilk, with the mind
of having his office run with military precision.   But that was not part
of the plan.  These were men of honor who had sworn to uphold the
constitution, who were bound by duty not to a man but the country
they swore to protect and defend.  And they were not reticent about
advising the man in the highest office.  They had to go.

And along with them, the other voices of reason, Tillerson, Flynn,
Powell, Shanahan, Sessions, and Comey, to name just a few; the
adults in the room. Those who dared to speak truth to power.  The
idea, of course, was to keep the simpleton isolated, and feed him
daily doses of flattery and adulation.  Let him only hear those who
give credence to his proclamations, to reaffirm his mastery.  Keep
him occupied with the trappings of his office and shuttle him
back and forth from D.C. to Florida.

Parade him in front of adoring crowds, no matter how much they
cost per head, and give them all signs and hats, always with the hats.
Start the chants, 'lock her up', build the wall', and 'send her back',
and see the look of pure delight on his face, he positively beams.
It is as if he is transfixed,  mesmerized by what he considers
adoration from his minions.

And most of all to keep his little hands occupied.  Hundreds of tiny
tap, tap, tappings, from early morning to late at night; tap, tap, tap.
And when he got a little far afield, that was easy to change, just
reissue a corrected statement, it keeps our allies on their toes, and
gives the press something to buzz about.

There is only one fly in the ointment, the dolt was beginning to
believe in his invincibility.  That wasn't in the script. Something
must be done, but it mustn't look contrived.  It had to come from
the other side.  That was no problem, the other side was more than
eager to oblige.  And so the leak became a current and the current
became a groundswell.  And there was enough intrigue to make
the game more enticing.

It was easy enough to get a majority to vote for impeachment.  And
there is enough to convict, counting the fence sitters and those
retiring and those who were about to make history.  Now it is almost
in their grasp, they are turning the religious conservatives, and the war
hawks.  It is time for the man behind the curtain to come out, and show
the world  his credentials; Pence, and along with him Pompeo, and Bolton,
the triumvirate, the religious zealots, the protectorates of the State of
Israel, the ones who will issue in the true Second Coming.  They are the
chosen ones.  They will destroy the infidels, and bring down the tribulation
upon the State of Israel and then will come the Rapture.

Sound far-fetched, so did President Donald J Trump.   I'm just sayin'.


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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...