TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being educated. But he has a remarkable sense of survival. He is the cockroach of mankind, the cayote who lives by his wits, adapting his lifestyle whether it be open prairie or urban sprawl.
Failure is but a minor setback, and always someone else's fault. He rebounds from personal disasters like the ball in an arcade game; bouncing from one collapsed venture to another, always running up the score, but leaving a wake of carnage behind him. Smiling all the way to the banks, the banks that continue to back his play for fear of calling in loans on worthless properties and looking like the fools they were. The banks that can't hedge their bets, throwing good money after bad, betting on the strength of a name. A true pyramid scheme, one built on illusion, and rotten at its base.
TMFKAP does know one thing, if he runs for president, he will never be indicted - for anything. Why you ask; because the United States fears looking like a third-world country that imprisons popular dissidents who challenge the the incumbent government. There are dozens of scenarios that bear that out; the latest being Manual Ortega of Nicaragua. Ortega jailed any contenders to his election, but in doing so, encountered the wrath of democracies around the world, including the U.S.
Russia's Vladimir Putin routinely imprisons populists who garner support from the populace, if they are lucky. If they aren't so lucky nerve gas has a more permanent effect. TMFKAP absorbed that lesson well. He couldn't find Nicaragua on a map with GPS, but he does know that Ortega and Putin will be 'president for life'.
Imagine if you will, even bringing TMFKAP to trial. It would be impossible to empanel a jury, unless the panelists had a death wish. Whatever the outcome would be, it would be untenable.
As it is the country is close to a breaking point, there is talk of another Civil War, and there are enough loose canons on TMFKAP's side willing to fire the first shot. Merrick Garland has the unenviable job of playing Solomon meting out justice in an unjust world. The Federal Justice Department is charged with prosecuting those persons involved with the January 6th insurrection; and make no mistake it was an insurrection. Most of the sentences have been for minor offenses; trespassing, and illegal entry - misdemeanors at best - and involve no jail time.
Did I not see these people charging the building, beating police officers, breaking windows and doors, and ransacking the interior of the Capitol Building? Is it me that is delusional? Or was it as some people say, just tourists visiting their congresspersons? Is it the wisdom of Solomon to turn a blind eye and pretend that none of this happened? Or are the Democrats supposed to acquiesce for the sake of the union?
Six years ago, many Republicans, most Democrats the Press and most of the world scoffed at the idea of a buffoon becoming president of the United States. We did so at our peril and we paid a dear price for our foolishness. The Press, especially, has been ridiculed and reduced in prominence as a source of what is true and factual. They are relegated to defend themselves from the stigma of 'fake news'.
Our choices now are standing up for what is right and just, or appeasing the unruly mob. Can we prove to the world and to ourselves that TMFKAP is guilty of attempting to to tear down our democracy and should never be given the power of the presidency again? Can we look into the face of mutiny and say this will not stand? Or will we tell ourselves 'this can't happen again'. The odds of being killed by a bunny are very low; but they are not zero.
I'm just sayin'
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