Thursday, April 9, 2020

With Friends Like This...

America and Canada share the world's longest undefended border,
and have been allies, in good times and bad, for over two-hundred
years.  It wasn't always that way, few people remember their history
lesson recounting the 1813 invasion by 13,000 American troops that
invaded York the capitol of the Canada territory, now Toronto.  They
sacked and burned the city.  In retaliation, Canadian troops invaded
the United States, and sacked Washington D.C. and burned the
White House.  But let us leave bygones be bygones.

Today, at the western end of the U.S./ Canadian border, straddling
that exact border, between the cities of Blain WA. and Surrey BC,
and over looking the Pacific Ocean, there is a monument called the
Peace Arch.  It was dedicated in September of 1921.  On the American
side of the Arch, is the inscription: "Children of a common mother".
And on the Canadian side, is the inscription: "Brethren living together
in unity".  There are huge metal gates in the center of the Arch, on the
gates are the inscriptions: "May these gates never be closed" and 1814
Open one-hundred years 1914".

At the other side of the continent, some 3100 miles away is another border
marker between St. Stephen NB and Calais ME.  On that marker it reads:
"This unfortified boundary line should quicken the remembrance of the
more than a century old friendship between countries.  A lesson of peace
to all nations."

There are some of you, like me, who remember when travel between our
two countries was uninhibited.  Oh, you stopped at the crossing and the
smiling gentleman asked a few simple questions and then sent you on your
way.  But the hysteria of 9/11 changed all that.  The United States became
suspicious of everyone and the Commission that was formed after 9/11 said
we had to protect our borders.  So, as of 2004, anyone entering the United
States from Canada or Mexico must have a valid passport.  In retaliation,
Mexico and Canada demanded the same from the U.S.

Did we forget that it was Canada that accepted over 200 planes with over
6500 passengers that were diverted from landing in America after 9/11?  It
Canadians who opened their homes and their hearts, Canadians who
showed those stranded travelers the true meaning of compassion.  They
housed them, fed them and sent them home with hugs.

Good fences make good neighbors - as reiterated by Robert Frost in the
Mending Wall - became Americas watch word, and soon to be a reality
on our southern border, but I digress.  It is one thing to be leery of
strangers but quite another to be fearful of your neighbor.  And there is
one man in particular whose is fostering such suspicions, Peter Navarro.
Mr. Navarro, who is President Trumps trade advisor is well known, but
not well liked in Canada.  After a meeting there, several diplomats were said
to have wished Mr. Navarro would be '...sent off to Peru".  Though what they
had against Peru is not known.  But rather than having their wishes granted,
Navarro, an ultra-protectionist, has gained stature and influence with the
President.  Because of his reputation on Trumps team of advisors, he
remains Canadas public enemy number one.

Mr. Navarro - the driving force behind Trumps 'America First' policies - has,
along with his major trade responsibilities, been appointed policy coordinator
for the Defense Production Act.  His recent hostile act was using his defense
authority to try and prevent 3M  Corporation from exporting protective masks
to Canada for it's fight against the coronavirus.  The issue was resolved
following bitter complaints from Canada.

But that is not the last of it.  Navarro recently drafted an executive order that
allows him to use national security to limit imports of foreign medicines, raw
material, and vaccines.  This is reminiscent of what happened a few years ago
when he used the same security rational to justify imposing tariffs on Canadian
steel and aluminum.  It was Navarro who backed Trump on his withdrawal from
NAFTA.  Navarro, like Trump, could care less about any historical special
relationship with Canada.

It is the same Navarro who is now advocating the used of the anti-malaria drug,
hydroxychloroquine, and has been denounced by Dr. Fauci, Director of the National
Institute of Infectious Diseases.  It was Navarro who was behind the stationing of
troops near the Canadian border, which has now been discarded.   It was Navarro
who went on Fox News after the 2018 G7 Summit in Quebec to say of Justin
Trudeau; "...there is a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in
bad-faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump."

Despite all this rancor, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has maintained his
composure, though he has been asked by many how he will hit back at Trump.
Trudeau has repeatedly rejected the idea of retaliation.  He understands that
disrupting global supply chains will harm everyone.  The masks that the United
States withheld from Canada are made with a special wood pulp mix that comes
from a mill in Nanaimo BC, not 120 miles from the Peace Arch.

What Navarro and Trump do not realize is that there are nearly 1600 nurses who
live in Windsor Ont. and they cross the border everyday to work in hospitals in
Detroit, MI.  Detroit is an epicenter of a massive outbreak of Covid-19.  Detroit
has recorded almost as many deaths from the virus as all of Canada.  For example,
at Henry Ford Hospital, 40 percent of the nurses are Canadians.  Without them
the hospital could not function.  These brave health-care workers are risking their
lives and the safety of their families, to help a neighbor in need.  Why?  Because
that is what good neighbors do.

                                                   I'm just sayin'

Monday, April 6, 2020

SOS - Call All Boats

Captain D.J. Trump here: Captain's log - HMS Titanic

April 2, 1912 - went to see my new is huge, hugely, huge
I mean it is bigly big...biggest boat to sail ever...and new, it's brand one has ever seen a boat like could get lost in
there...I mean BIG

April 4, 1912 - my boat is coming to Southampton, this thing...this
thing was made in Ireland...I'd feel better if it was made in Scotland,
my mother from Scotland, did I tell you that...good golf courses too,
I may look into buying one...but I'm sure those guys...those guys...
they know ships...they know good whiskey too

April 6, 1912 - Met the crew...what a bunch of guys...take a bow
guys...terrific guys, really great...they have a lot of nice things to
say about me too...doncha fellas...we're going to get along great,
they're a great bunch...stand up guys, take a bow

April 7, 1912 - This guy...I don't know, this guy's up top all
time...I don't know...he's got charts...I mean he's got charts
everywhere...big charts, the biggest, I don't know from these
charts...I'm a really smart guy, really intelligent, smart...
my uncle he was in the navy...people say DJ,
they call me DJ, DJ you know more than these charts...a
lot more...I mean I have a feeling in my gut

April 8, 1912 - you know this boat...this ship, they call it a
ship...what do I almost 900 feet long...that's what,
three football fields...not your football, my football...Red know Red Grange...he'd have a hell of a time
on this boat, ah ship...but I got people...people on this boat,
ah ship...they are top-shelf...the top...they don't get any bigger
and do you know why...because this is the best...that's why
they're here...I have the best...class, real class

April 9, 1912 - the guy with the charts...he's back with the
charts...he's talking icebergs...the only ice around here...
I tell him is in the drinks...there's always ice in the ocean
I tell him that...we should lock him below, huh...yea, lock
him up, lock him a call from White Star...the are
the top you know...the number one...they said watch for the
ice...I'm on top of it

April 10, 1912 - off we go...we're shipping off...I'm up top
the chart guy, we got him locked up...gotta look smart...
no hat, can't wear a hat...this captain doesn't need a hat...
I spent 2 hours getting the hair just right...too windy out
here...these guys really know their stuff...these are top-notch
guys...I picked them I know how to pick'em...
people say that, DJ, they call me DJ, that DJ he can really
pick a crew...except for that chart guy...always with the

April 11, 1912 - just two other stops to pick up more
passengers...I don't know these people...these people they
came across the border...they might be swimming across
I don't know...they don't speak English...the might be
murderers, thieves, rapists don't know these days,
these days you have to be everybody, they're

April 12, 1912 - took a stroll around the place
can't believe these other folks...these folks know the best
when they see it...they say DJ, they call me DJ, I say call
me Captain...this boat, ah ship, has can tell class
not too bad for an Irish boat

April 13, 1912 - the radioman, there's a radioman here.. is
that the best or what...the radioman says to me...excuse me you know I can call New York...New York from the
boat, ah ship...I can call Delmonico and get a table...anyway
the radioman tells me there are icebergs...hoax...people are
seeing icebergs, hoax....people are always seeing icebergs...
do you know we cruise at 39 knots, that's what again, I don't
know 40-45 miles an fast can an iceberg go

April 14, 1912 - damn, it's cold here, and I can't wear a hat,
no took me 3 hours to get this hair right...too much
wind, always the damn wind...took a walk around, not out-
side too damn cold outside...nice riff-raff, the
riff-raff are all below...probably warmer there though...
we're ahead of schedule...should have waited to call
Delmonico...pretty dark outside can't see a thing...almost
twelve bells...what's with the bells, huh...just say midnight
what the hell was that noise, big noise, the biggest...what's
with the boat, ah ship, oh who cares boat, ship, ship, boat..
the boat stopped...we hit what's a little ice...back
the boat up...what water...this boat can't sink...this is the best,
the best..I only pick the best

April 15, 1912 - what's with the boat, why is it tilting...water,
well start the damn I have to do everything...we
have the best pumps here, number one pumps...only the best!
lifeboats, I suppose we can get the lifeboats...who does the
lifeboats...I hired some guy who does lifeboats...hey, that's a
hell of a band, catchy tune, what's the name of that tune...not
too good for dancing tho...I got this...what do you mean do
I take, I don't take responsibility...I didn't
build the boat...Andrews and those Irishmen they built the
boat..where the hell is he....where are the lifeboats...what do
you mean they're all gone...who counted those boats, he's fired,
no riff-raff up here...well all I have to say is if we saved 700
people, we did a hell of a job...great job...great job, everybody
stand up...everybody take a bow

                                                            I'm just sayin'.

The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...