Sunday, January 5, 2020

Tail Wagging the Dog Again?

The assassination of Qasem Suleimani, Friday January 3, 2020, by a
targeted drone missal, has sent the middle-east region into turmoil.
The Trump administration undertook this attack without the advice
or even notification of Congress, our allies, or NATO.  The
administration said the attack was in response to an imminent threat to
to the safety of the United States and its citizens.  The threat was supposedly
uncovered by our intelligence agency.  Is that the same intelligence agency
that Trump has demonized, and dismissed as incompetent and filled with
never Trumpers?  Their sudden rise in prominence is nothing short of

On Sunday, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was on every morning
talk show defending the drone strike.  The talking point of the day,
just in case you missed it, was 'protect and defend Americans'.  I lost
count of just how many times he said it.  But he said it was the duty of
the president to protect and defend America, and not to do so would
be grave misconduct on the part of the administration.

To which I say, Baloney!   Actually I would say something stronger,
but I am striving to maintain some semblance of decorum here.  I
have listened to the talking heads for three days now and no one has
put forth what I consider the true reason for the attack on Suleimani.
Trump ordered the drone strike to divert attention from the Articles
of Impeachment which are scheduled to be released to the U. S.
Senate sometime this week,  TRUMP HAS BROUGHT THE WORLD
TO THE BRINK OF WAR for his personal gratification.  He feels that
a president at war cannot be bothered with a sniggling matter such as
impeachment.  He feels that the country will rally behind a strong
leader who stepped up to take out the bad guy and save America.  He
may be right, his base is giddy with excitement.

However, the silence from our allies speaks volumes.  The only laudatory
remarks came from the man in the same predicament as Trump, and that
would be Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu.  Perhaps, he was one of
the little birds whispering in the president's ear, "Donald, this will solve
both of our problems".

Qasem Suleimani was not just some tin pot terrorist, he was a Senior
Official in the Iran government.  His assassination was tantamount to
the assassination of the Joint Chief of Staff of the United States. And
along with Suleimani there were other high offficials of Iraq.  Suleimani
had been in a position of power for more than twenty years.  Both
Republican and Democratic administrations have dealt with his disruptions
in the middle-east region, many of which involved loss of lives.  But it
has always been the determination that Suleimani was more dangerous
dead than alive.  As a military tactitian he did not possess a brilliant
mind but his genius lay in his ability to rally the support of the terrorist
organizations in the region.  He was not universally admired for his
drive to oust the Sunnis and promte the Shiite fundamentalism.

Of late demonstrations in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq were taking
place to protest the expansion of Iran's influence into the region.  But
the death of Suleimani and the other officials, has galvanized hatred for
the United States by these same countries.  Chants of "death to America"
once again fill the streets.

In 1998, then president Bill Clinton, with the help of British forces attacked
the Saddam Hussein's army.  At the time citizen Trump, accused Clinton
of starting a war for his benefit, even though the attacks were sanctioned by
the United Nations and all our allies.  The Republicans in Congress were
outraged, the whole episode was termed 'Wag the Dog', and it was said that
the attack was used to deflect from the impeachment inquiry of Clinton in
the House of Representatives. Where is the Republican outrage now?

It appears that Trump has taken a page from that playbook.  The only
difference is that Clinton's actions were sanctioned and included our
allies and Trump's action was unilateral and a surprise to our allies.
In addition to the initial strike, Trump has tweeted that any threat of
retaliation by Iran will be met with swift destruction of 52 targets of
strategic and cultural value in Iran.  In response to that threatening
tweet, the Secretary General of the United Nations had this to say:
     "Any deliberate destruction of our common cultural
       heritage constitutes a war crime and represents an
       attack on humanity"

Once again Trump has brought down the ire of the world upon the
United States.  Is there no limit to which he will go to shame and
embarrass us?  And all just to cover up the shame of his
impeachment.  Donald Trump is a disgrace and now a danger to
us all as Americans.  
                                            I'm just sayin'.  

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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...