Sunday, December 13, 2020

I Cry for My Country

 These are names that should live in in infamy and disgrace.  They are the names of the 126 Republican members of Congress who should forever be remembered as cowards, men and women, who when it came to choosing between the oath that they swore, to defend the Constitution, and fear of some charlatan poser, they chose to disavow that oath and sign on to a court action that boarders on sedition.

Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of the state.  The petition before the Supreme Court was asking that the votes of twenty million Americans be thrown out and the state legislature of four states then select the electorates to the Electoral College.  The four states all voted in support of Joe Biden and coincidently, all have Republican legislatures.  In Wisconsin one representative was asking that the people in his state be disenfranchised.  The petition was brought by the state of Texas and signed on to by 18 states that voted for Trump, and the aforementioned 126 members of Congress. 

Wiser heads prevailed and the Supreme Court unanimously decided that Texas had no standing to bring forth the petition.  The decision included the three jurists that Trump had nominated to the court, the last being; Amy Coney Barrett.  

If this doesn't send chills down your spine, I don't know what would.  Some Congressmen are poo-pooing this as just theatrics; it is not!  They say the law suit never stood a chance anyway and this was all for show.  Perhaps if I waved a gun around the Senate chamber and then said I didn't meaning anything by it, and it was all for show, do you think the Senators laugh and say, well met?  I heartedly doubt it.  Yet what they are doing is worse; I would be threatening perhaps 100 people at best, these fools are threatening the entire nation.

When citizens of a country lose faith in their government, it is not long before the country is torn asunder.  We have seen it too many times, so what would make these Congresspersons think that what they are doing is different.  The bedrock of our democracy is the election every four years for president and then the peaceful transition of power to the winner.  The loser offers a concession and congratulations to the winner, not necessary, but right thing to do.

No one likes eating cow, defeat is demoralizing, and difficult to accept.  It takes a big person to accept defeat graciously - outwardly anyway - and move on with life.  George H. W. Bush did it, Jimmy Carter did also, and both went on to be well respected and thought of as elder statesmen of their party.  Americans of both parties, and countries around the globe,  admired them and their service to the country.  But that is the one thing that Trump will never have, the one thing that all his supposed money cannot buy; Class.  He wants, craves, respect but all he gets is notoriety, it's not the same thing.  And he could not buy class for his children either.  There is an old saying; 'You don't get a thoroughbred when you cross two jackasses.'   

The comparison of the previous administration and the Trump administration are as different as porterhouse to hamburger.  Donald knows that, and as hard as he tries he cannot pull off that stature, that poise.  So, if he can't raise himself up, he tears down everything he can.  It galls him that the one thing he wanted to destroy was 'Obama Care' and he failed, he failed miserably.  Now he is salting the earth; if he can't have the power, he will do his best to make sure the new administration is impotent.

He is pardoning his cohorts and may extend pardons to anyone who does or doesn't ask.  And he has begun executing federal criminals on an accelerated schedule because he knows it will upset the liberals who don't support, or believe in Capitol punishment. What kind of person does that?

There are those who are comparing this election to the election of 1860, it was then that our country was divided also, and that division destroyed the Union and it led to the deaths of 618,000 Americans.  Is this what it is coming to?  There are elected officials asking if their constituents are ready to die for 'the cause', calling for open and armed rebellion.  If so. 600,000 deaths will look like a Sunday picnic.  With the weaponry available to anyone today, we could surpass that figure in six months.  And as the Proud Boys brag, they have all the guns.  

Someone must be the adult in the room, the president has abdicated that responsibility.  Cooler heads must prevail,  we must stop this march to oblivion.  I fear for my country, I never thought it could come to this.  We must stop the madness before it has gone too far, if it hasn't already.

                                                                   I'm just sayin'

The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...