Friday, March 13, 2020

Now That There Are Only Two, What to Do?

Sunday will be the meeting of the minds, the debate between the
last two MEN standing in the Democratic primary for the
presidential election in November.  But because of the threat
from the Covid-19 virus, they will actually be sitting, in a
closed room, with no live audience.  The debate is being held
before another round of state primary elections on Tuesday, with
nearly 600 delegates up for grabs.  Included are the swing states
of Florida and Ohio, those two states turned the tide for Trump
in 2016.  Also in the mix are Arizona and the delegate rich
state of Illinois.

Since the 'Super Tuesday' rout by Biden and then the March
10th continuation of Biden wins, this Tuesday looks to be either
Sanders' big return, the nail in his coffin.  The media has all but
declared Biden the presumptive nominee, and his resurrection
does look impressive.  And because of that, there is now a target
on Biden's back, a big target.  Biden, as an opponent, is what
Trump feared most, and what he tried hardest to prevent.  He
risked his presidency to do it.

And so, the attack dogs are out, as we knew they would be.  The
Senate has opened an investigation into Hunter Biden's involvement
in Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company.  The inquiry is being led
by Senator Ron Johnson, the Senator from my state, Wisconsin.
I am familiar with Senator Johnson, and as such, I am not that
worried.  Ron Johnson couldn't find his hat with both hands, as
they say.  However, it will cast aspersions on Joe Biden much as
the Benghazi affair did to Hillary Clinton.

Point of fact, I would bet a years wages that a majority of voters do
not know where Benghazi is or what happened there, I would even
give you odds.  But the mere mention of Clinton and Benghazi sent
Republican voters into spasms.  And the talking heads will try to link
Joe Biden with Burisma, hoping for the same results.  That might
backfire though, and also link Trump to the impeachment, one can hope.

In this morning's paper, The Wisconsin State Journal, there was an
article on the editorial page, by John Kass, the columnist from the
Chicago Tribune, a notoriously Republican newspaper.  In it he
attempts to portray Biden as being senile, his opening line was:
"As Joe Biden and senility become twins in voter's minds, like
macaroni and cheese..."  Not exactly subtle I would say.  He goes
on to point out some of Biden's gaffs in his speeches, and the fact
that he has made errors and slips with proper names.  He goes on to
say that Trump has noticed this and was not the first to wonder about
Biden's mental acuity.   If this was not so pathetic, it would be hilarious.
For one thing Trump is too self-absorbed to wonder about anyone or
anything but himself.  And second, anyone who has listened to Trump
speak has wonder if his elevator goes to the top floor.  If that is the
position you wish to take Mr. Kass, I can guarantee you, even I could
match, and beat you ten to one, Trump's verbal blunders versus Biden's.
And if I throw in deliberate lies and misleading statements, the contest
is over before it begins.

The speech Joe Biden gave after his wins in last Tuesday's primaries was
pure presidential.  His demeaner and calm assurances made me long for a
president who could again bring sense and civility to the White House and
the country,  I am tired of being ashamed of the boorish oaf who represents
America, tired of explaining to friends in other countries what went wrong,
and how we lost our way.

I lament the loss of, whom I considered the most qualified person running
this year, Elizabeth Warren.  I am hoping in his wisdom, that Joe Biden can
see his way to selecting her as his running mate.  Even if he selects Kamala
Harris, or Amy Klobuchar, both capable women who ran against him, I think
it would go a long way to insuring the calm, efficient transfer of presidential
powers in the event of an unforeseeable tragedy.  And it would set aside any
doubts of Biden's age and longevity.  And as a bonus, it might be the only way
we have a chance of seeing a woman president in my lifetime.

Biden's opponent in Sunday's debate, Bernie Sanders, did not speak last Tuesday.
He opted to go home and lick his wounds and perhaps re-evaluate his chances.
His boast of staunch backing by the young voters didn't materialize.  May I
say, I hope some of those foolish young 'Bernie Backers' of his, who stayed
home in 2016 in protest, have matured enough to understand what their silliness
cost them, and the nation as a whole.  Elections have consequences!

Sanders says he is winning the 'Generational Debate' but losing the 'Electability
Debate'.  No, you are not, Bernie!!  There is only one winner and the American
people have decided that your policies will not work, they are pie in sky, pipe
dreams.  Yes, you have been espousing them for years, and yet in spite of all your
talk you have not accomplished one damn thing.  And now you are throwing
down the gauntlet, you have a list of ten demands that you want Biden to agree
to.  And if Biden accepts your demands, you in your magnality, will cede the
election and turn over your band of idolaters to him.  I just have one thing to
say to you, Bernie.   The loser does not get to dictate the terms of surrender.

                                       I'm just sayin'.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Hows is This Working Out for You?

It has been quite awhile since I have been back to visit with you.
I seems as though the world is spinning out of control.  News has
been coming at us from every direction and none of it good.  But
I will humbly try to make some sense of it, at least as I see.

I am in a state of quarantine, not self-imposed, but my senior
classes have been canceled for the unforeseeable future.  And
the facility where I play in a senior sports league, has asked
persons of a 'certain age' to evaluate whether to continue
participating.  Since I fall into that certain age, I now find
myself with more time on my hands than I know what to do
with.  Too late to take up a hobby, so I shall bore you with
some of my musing and brain droppings.

The WHO, World Health Organization, has declared the
Covid-19 outbreak a world-wide pandemic.  And that has
finally got the attention of the Trump administration.  It
seems for weeks that the president and the Republican
Party were more concerned with the effects of the virus
on the November elections rather than the health of the
nation. Trump equated the Coronavirus with a cold or the
flu, saying that most people get better on their own by
resting or even going to work.  The callousness of his
concern was mind-bending.  And his cohorts in the U.S.
Congress were saying the virus was just a hoax by the
Democratic Party to undermine confidence in the Trump
administration.  Going so far as to mock the seriousness
of the illness by wearing a gasmask on the floor of the

But try as they may they could not wish away the bad news
coming from the rest of the world.  The stock market was
reacting erratically, wild swings down one day and up the next,
that uncertainly would never do.  If there was one thing that
Trump counted on for his re-election, it was the healthy economy
and the booming stock market.  In response to the market's
downward slide, the president took to the airwaves last night to
present his plan to the American people and to the World.  In
his usual emotionless monotone, with dead fisheyes, he read
from the teleprompter.

Trump's speech was so erratic and non-specific that his staff had
to issue clarifications within fifteen minutes of its conclusion.
The plan called for a travel ban from the EU to the United States,
not from the country with the greatest number of cases outside
of China, North Korea, nor from the UK, which has more cases
than most of the countries in the EU. nope just Europe.  The
announcement came as a gut punch to the Europeans who had
no advance warning that it was coming; but that behavior is
typical Trump.  At first, he said that the ban would include all
goods and trade, that was immediately walked back after the
speech.  Perhaps he lost his place on the teleprompter, or it
might just be he  has trouble with the English language.
Americans in Europe began to panic, until clarification came
that American citizens and permanent aliens were exempt.
Airline stock fell thru the floor.  And how did the big plan
work out for the administration?  Markets around the world
tanked, and the futures market in the U.S. followed.

The striking omissions in Trump's speech were what the
administration was going to do to quell the spread of the
virus; where were the testing kits, how were they preparing
for the influx of new patients into hospitals, what should
someone do if they were showing signs of illness?  The only
concern seemed to be monetary; tax holidays, insurance co-pays,
small business loans.  Are we talking about the health of
Americans or the stock market?  The medical professionals
are saying the situation will get worse before it gets worse.

So here we sit with no clear leadership, no plan of action.  The
total incompetence of this administration borders on the criminal.
Trump had decimated the agencies that were responsible for
acting in cases of an emergency such as we are facing now,
his budget cut funding for the CDC despite Coronavirus being
on the horizon.  over 1600 health professionals have left their
jobs in the administration since Trump became president.

Some say the Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina moment.  I am not
so worried for his downfall as I am for mine; for his survival
as for mine and my friend's survival, we are all of that 'certain

It is too late at this point to change the outcome, but this should
be a wake-up call to everyone who thought putting a businessman
in the White House would bring about reform, and better their lives.
Just ask yourself how are you better?  Your health is in danger and
so is your 401.

                                        I'm just sayin'

The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...