"Esi mola tarda dei, verum molit minutim" The mills of the gods are late to grind, but they grind small.
The wheels are in motion at last, Monday this, the House of Representatives transported the article of impeachment to the US Senate. The trial is set to begin in two weeks. It is expected to be over rather quickly. After all most of the Senators and most of America and half of the world were watching the events of January 6, 2021as they took place, live, on television. There doesn't appear to be any question of what occurred, or is there?
The ex-president is being charged with 'incitement of insurrection', there is only one charge against Trump. There needs to be only one charge. Trump gathered a crowd, called them to Washington DC told them to 'Be there, it will be wild", addressed them using inflammatory language, and he told them to go down to the Capitol. And even after they stormed the Capitol, Trump did nothing to stop it. When he did again address the crowd, he told the 'they were special and he loved them".
Now the Republicans are saying that there is no need to punish Trump, he is out of office and it is time to move on. Any more action against the ex-president will only cause a deeper division in the country. What they mean is that it will cause a deeper division in the Republican Party. Marco Rubio said impeachment would be "like pouring gasoline on a fire". But not impeaching Trump is like letting the arsonist go unpunished because his friends would be unhappy if he were prosecuted.
Donald Trump is a cancer in the Republican Party, a malignancy that is destroying the party from within. But he is not doing it alone. he is abetted by half of the GOP Congressmen, and the other half are too afraid to stand up and say Trump must go, so they sit in silence. Their fear; the party will split in two and the Republicans will never win another election. They fear that Trump will leave and take what...two million people with him? But how many people will return to the party of small government and fiscal responsibility if Trump is gone?
When Trump was running in 2016, the party members called him out. They could see what kind of person he was and they spoke out. A two-bit flim-flam man, a snake oil salesman, a television personality, Trump was no Republican and he surely was no conservative. From the beginning Trump showed his true colors; the chants of 'lock her up', his assertions that the election was a fraud, his lies, one on top of another, Trump was showing us who he was, why didn't we believe him? Was it because no one thought he could ever win, is that why the press followed him relentlessly? It is said that Trump got over a billion dollars in free press coverage by his outrageous behavior.
And when Trump was impeached the first time, the Senators simply stuck their collective heads in the sand, or up their butts, and refused to even consider the evidence before finding Trump not guilty. Susan Collins said that "he has learned his lesson". True, he did. The lesson he learned was that he could do whatever he wanted; he had a 'Get Out of Jail Free Card' signed by every member of the Republican Party.
Trump went on to make a mockery of the United States Presidency, and the Republican Party. He broke every convention and rule of decorum. He was like a spoiled brat having a tantrum. An op-ed in the Toronto Newspaper said that: "Canada feels like its shackled to a Meth-head on a bender". The Republican convention became the Trump convention, featuring the whole family. It was like watching The Beverly Hillbillies or Duck Dynasty, one didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The Republican Party didn't even have the guts to write a platform, they just bowed to whatever Trump wanted. To use one of Trumps own phrase: SAD!
And now when the time has come again to show their true colors, the Senators are flashing, not red, but yellow. They have been spineless for the past four years, and in his final act Trump has castrated them. They excuse themselves by saying it is to unify the country, but there can be no unity if there is no justice. There must be accountability for the destruction of the nation's Capitol, and there must be punishment for the deaths of five people.
All that is left is a festering wound, it will be painful to debride it, but it must be done or the infection will continue to spread. The antiseptic is the truth, and it is time that the Republicans own up to it. We had a free and fair election and they backed a loser, and if they continue to back him, they will never be free from his tyranny.
Swift footed is the approach of fate, And none can justice violate. But feels its stern hand, Soon or late. Aeschylus
I'm just sayin'