Friday, December 13, 2019

Lite is for Beer

If I might explain something to you, President Donald
John Trump, there is nothing light about impeachment.
Your distain for all that is sacred in the Constitution of
the United States is appalling.  You sir, are being
impeached! It will forever be a stain on your presidency,
in the history of the United States you will only be the
third president to bear this shame.  And as long as there
is a Republic it will there on your family name.  Your
children and your children's children will carry your
mark of shame.

You can joke about it, and laugh about it, but I guarantee
you, anyone with a modicum of sense is not laughing with
you, they are laughing at you, sir.  You are a disgrace to
this country and all its citizens.  And now it is there for
the entire world to see.

So, continue to hold your rallies and try to undermine
what the elected members of the House of Representatives
have charged you with.  I'm sure those thousands in your
audience, whom you hire to cheer you on, will continue
to cheer.  I know you need that constant reaffirmation;
without it you cannot function.  You surround yourself
with sycophants who massage your ego, they live in
fear of hearing the words "You're Fired".  But once they
are free from your tyranny, they regain their voice, and
recount the days of total disarray in your administration.
Soon there will be more of them on the outside than on
the inside.  What then Mr. Trump?

What I despise most about your presidency is the
contagion of prevarication that is spreading throughout
the Republican Party.  Senators, who once were held in
high regard are now seen for what they truly are; sniveling
cowards who shrink in fear of your angry tweets, as though
they were shouts of 'off with their heads'.  Do you not see,
you in the Senate, if you were to stand together and expose
this charlatan for whom he is, your constituents would see it
also?  And even if they didn't, if they reject you at the ballot
box, at least you can go out with your honor intact.

I fear, like sheep to the slaughter you follow the traitor goat,
you will be judged by history, and it won't be kindly.  If you
cannot see what will happen when this man is returned to
power, you are blind fools.  You understand what damage he
has already done to our country's image in the world.  And now
Donald Trump is being charged with acts against the
Constitution of the United States, that same document that you
swore to protect and defend from enemies foreign and domestic,
when you took your oath of office.  You trade your sacred honor
for what?   Trump's disgrace is your disgrace, when you lowered
yourself to his level you took on his ignominy and you will wear
it forever.

So, next week when the Articles of Impeachment arrive in the Senate,
think about your vote.  Your leader, Mitch McConnel, has already
said he may not call any witnesses.  Of course he won't.  There is
no defense for what the president has done, and McConnel fears
that not everyone he could call would risk perjury for the
president.  After all, they also remember what happened to those
who did perjure themselves in the Nixon hearing.  And not
everyone looks good in prison orange.  Let me ask you this, if
you cannot call one member of the president's council to offer
a defense for him, why are you?

I' just sayin'.

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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

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