Sunday, December 8, 2019

Get 'er Done

And so, it comes to this, tomorrow the United States House
of Representatives will begin drafting the Articles of'
Impeachment against the president of the United States,
Donald J. Trump.  They will pass along party lines, Democrats
close to unanimous, will vote for impeachment and the
Republicans, most probably unanimously, will vote against
them. From there they will go onto the Senate where the
Republicans hold the majority, and after a sham trial, Donald
Trump will be found not guilty of all charges.

I said not guilty, I did not say innocent, because Trump is
not innocent.  he committed all those things he stands accused
of.  That is not what is on trial here, what is on trial is whether
the Republican Senators put their loyalty to a flawed president
above their country, and the oath of office they took when they
were sworn in as a Senator.  And I sincerely hope that they vote
to acquit Trump, and let me explain my reasoning.

This all began as the result of the Mueller Report, when Robert
Mueller found there was no proof of overt collusion between
the Trump Campaign and the Russian government Trump felt
exonerated.  The report as presented by the Attorney General,
William Barr, appeared to find no wrong doings, but in fact
that is not what the report said.  The report said that since a
sitting president cannot be indicted, the Mueller Commission
did not look into the charges of obstruction of justice.  They
left that to the House of representative to examine.

Trump was so emboldened by this report, that the very next
day he propositioned the Ukrainian government, to, as he said,
"do us a favor".  He wanted the Ukrainians to announce, publicly,
that they were investigating wrong doing by Hunter Biden, the
son of Joe Biden, who was supposed to be Trumps leading rival
for the 2020 presidential election.  To insure the favor, Trump was
withholding $400 thousand in military aide already approved.
However, also listening on the phone conversation, were several
State Department employees, one of whom found this so disturbing
that he reported it to his superior.  This started the ball in motion,
resulting in where we find ourselves now.

If the president was so reckless because he felt the Mueller Report
was, 'so much ado about nothing', how do you suppose he will take
the Republican's blatant lock-step approval of what he did as a result?
As it stands, Trump feels that as president he can do no wrong, because
as he stated, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote.
And that is pretty close to right, he has shredded the Constitution and
not lost a vote, instead he has Republican Senators extolling his
greatness.  I fear what Trump has on his agenda after taking his victory

I hope one thing, when the House gets together to draft the Articles of
Impeachment, they include everything, every wrong doing by the
president.  I hope they go back to the Mueller Report and list the
incidences of obstruction of justice, I hope the list every incident of
obstruction of Congress stemming from his ignoring subpoenas and
directing his minions not to testify.  I hope they list every incident of
bribery, and withholding funds which have been approved by
Congress.  List them all, and lay them all out for the voters to see.

And then I hope the Senate makes quick work of the impeachment trial.
In-out, one and done, Not Guilty!  I hope every Republican Senator must
stand and pronounce Donald J. Trump not guilty of every illegal act
perpetrated against the Constitution, in front of god and country.  Then
let us get back to governing again.  And let the Senators, who are running
for president on the democratic ticket in 2020, get back to campaigning.
And let them repeat the charges against the president, over and over again.

It is well known that the voting public has an attention span of a three-year
old.  They will soon forget the impeachment trial, heck, most of them won't
have watched it.  But they will remember what Trump did, and what he will
still be doing.  You can bet he will be pushing the envelope at home and
abroad, charging like the bull elephant that he is.  The let us see if the
Republicans can control him, if they couldn't before, good luck now that
he is sure of their undivided support.

It is true you will remember a bad meal much longer than an excellent
dinner.  And you will be less likely to return to a place where you were
treated badly.  And even though Trump's base will still stand behind him,
it is the voters in the middle ground that will be wondering if they want
to entrust the government to those who allowed Trump to get away with
so many shady activities.  To say nothing of what he will be doing in the
interim.  Those middle of the ground voters will not be inclined to give
Trump another bite of the apple either.

I firmly believe this impeachment move by the Democrats will work in
their favor, and that  is why Nancy Pelosi is hurrying it along.  She can
see the same thing, and Trump is playing right into her hand.  But then
she knew that would happen also, Trump's ego would have it no other way.

I'm just sayin'.

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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

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