It has now been two weeks since Biden was declared the winner and we are no closer to settling the Presidential election than we were on November 3rd. The votes have been counted and recounted, the attorneys have plead their cases and have been summarily dismissed, charges of fraud have been levied, and it has all come to naught. And everyday that passes, America loses more respect in the eyes of the world.
At first I was angry, but sustaining that kind of anger began to eat away at my soul. Then I was depressed watching the comedy of errors play out; the lies and the personal attacks. Now I am simply sad. It is so sad to see what my country has come to. We all knew the president was a vicious megalomaniac, he told us as much in words and actions. And there were those who didn't care, those who would follow him to hell, and they have. Their cult-like devotion to a man who has nothing but distain for them is difficult to comprehend.
Even though I don't understand, nor do I care to understand such idiocy, I can look past those who lack the vision and intelligence to see beyond today. I cannot forgive them their ignorance, for there is none so blind as those who will not see. They choose to deny the truth and indulge in their fantasies, because it is easier than the lives that they have, lives of desperation with no future except the past. So they look to the man who told them he would restore their jobs, the towns, their dignity. But he lied, he used them, but to keep believing is better than facing the truth.
The most egregious of these sycophants are those who swore an oath to the United States Constitution to 'support and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic and bear true faith and allegiance to the same'. I know that oath, I took it more than once, as anyone who has worked for the federal government has. It means something to those who swear to it. My husband took it when he joined the Marine Corp and so did my brother when joined forty years later. They knew they might be asked to lay down their life for that Constitution.
Yet the Republicans Congressmen are defiling that oath. The are refusing to honor the results of an election for the president of the United States. They are choosing to disavow the oath that took freely, and turn their backs in their country. That I cannot countenance, it grieves me, it makes me furious. I cannot imagine what the brave men and women who are serving the country in the armed forces feel about this. They are putting their lives on the line everyday and their representatives have broken their oath, and for what? Because they are afraid to face the ire of a toothless has-been. I am loath to say his name, but that man who has caused so much turmoil in the past four years, now is threatening to undermine our democracy. And these lackeys are abetting him.
In 1974, another Republican president was dishonoring the office of the presidency. However, at that time his party rose up against him. The Republican Senators and Representatives felt they must take action to save the party, the presidency and the country. Three of the highest-ranking members of Congress; Barry Goldwater who had run for president himself, John Rhodes minority whip of the House, and Hugh Scott, minority leader of the Senate, went down from the Capitol to the White House. They told Richard Nixon he needed to resign the presidency. They told him he was facing impeachment and his party would vote to convict him. Those three men were men of honor, there re none like them in Congress today.
Today's president may not have taken up arms against the United States, but his actions are having the same effect. He is seeking to destroy the framework of the Constitution, if this be so, I call it treason. The intent is the same, the method is different, the effect is to undermine the belief in the presidency, to make the incoming president impotent. We saw it with the Obama presidency when Senator Mitch McConnel said he would thwart anything that Obama worked to get passed. It has now gone far beyond that.
Congress is watching as the president is meeting with individual state officials to try to get them to overturn the outcome of the election held in their state. In doing so he is subverting the will of the electorate. I cannot imagine anything more dangerous to the Constitution. And the Republicans in Congress are his co-conspirators. If one is guilty of treason, then so are they all.
Imagine if you will, what these pompous legislators would say if this was being done in a third -world country. Why they would rise up and say the presidency was being stolen. Matter of fact, the United States has done so, numerous times; in Central America, South America, and in many small countries in Asia and Africa. Funny how one cannot recognize their own failings, or maybe they can, they just don't give a damn. They don't give a damn about the country and they don't give a damn about we the people. They only care that they were re-elected and now they can do what they will.
I love my country, I fly her flag proudly, and I rise for the national anthem. The Fourth of July festivities bring a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat, but my Senator, Ron Johnson, brings bile to my mouth. I loath him and find him reprehensible. I will remember always his choice to follow a traitor and forsake his country. And you can bet when he is up for reelection, I will be working for his defeat.
I'm just sayin'
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