It has been three days since the end of the greatest freak show on television, the RNC, the Republican National Convention. It has taken me this long to get over the feeling of dread and apprehension, and fear for my beloved country. Fact checkers from newspapers all around the world were busy scribbling as fast as they could to catch all the lies. Yes, I said lies. Look it up, the definition of falsehood is 'LIE'. For what ever reason the media likes to whitewash them, there were over 21 lies in the seventy-minute tirade called the acceptance speech. That amounts to one lie every two and a half minutes. Incredible! They were reiterations of the lies that were told over and over again during the three previous days.
Trump talked about his greatest accomplishments; - 300 miles of border wall that Mexico will pay for, in fact only 5 miles of new wall have been built at great cost to the US taxpayer, and not one peso from Mexico, - taking credit for the VA choice bill, when in fact Obama signed the bill in 2016, - taking credit for creating 9-million jobs, after losing 24-million jobs the month before, - promising insurance to cover pre-existing conditions, when Obama care already does that, and Trump is in court suing to eliminate the ADA. I could go on, but the people who need to hear this, will not listen.
In large sections of America, people live in an alternate universe, where facts and reality no longer exist. There are no such things as facts anymore, belief has taken the place of fact. Or as Ms. Kellyanne Conway calls the 'alternate facts'.
If the Republicans are to win again, they must do two things; they must change Trump's image, and they must denigrate Joe Biden's reputation. To win, a wild-eyed alternate reality must be created, and the Republicans are betting that the electorate is so uninformed, so gullible, and so dumb as to swallow their story. During the convention - or as I like to call it the 'The All Trump Show' - speaker after speaker, many of them Black, many of them women spoke of the President as a soft-hearted soul, empathetic, and a champion of racial diversity and women. A man who wears his heart on his sleeve. Or as Ivanka Trump said; "I've been with my father and I've seen the pain in his eyes when he receives updates on the lives that have been stolen by this plague." I would imagine he is thinking whether the count will affect the Market.
During this 'firehose' of misinformation, one speaker said that this is a man who revers the presidency, and who cares not for himself, but only for America. The voice-over in the video introducing Trump, said he has 'accomplished more in four years than any other president in history'. Take a backseat Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, etc. You've been trumped!
So much for the reinvention of the person. Now the Republicans must change the events of the past seven months. Pandemic; gone. The economy; the Market is better than before. And the racial unrest; all the fault of the Democratic mayors.
As for Joe Biden, he is a Trojan Horse for the socialists and radical left. He will abolish the police departments, tear down the wall, and destroy the suburbs. No one will be safe in Biden's America. Biden will take away your Social Security and bring in socialized medicine. And Biden will shut down the government again. As Trump says; "His shutdown will inflict unthinkable and lasting harm on our children, families and citizens of all backgrounds."
Republicans attack harder in elections than do Democrats, and lately have been very successful at it. From the dog-whistle, states-rights campaign of Richard Nixon, to the 'Swiftboat" smear against John Kerry. And who can forget the picture of Dukakis in the tank trying to look tough after bungling his answer to his wife being raped. What the Democrats need to do is resurrect the political machines of yesteryear. Richard J. Daley of Chicago knew how to win an election. He could cut an opponent off at the knees, and if that didn't work, he would hold back the election results until he knew how many votes were needed to win, and then he would deliver them.
I think the Democrats should unleash the vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. Something tells me she was selected to be the attack dog to Biden's 'mister nice guy' persona. I cannot wait to see her in the debate against Pence. She will have is lunch. That is if 'Mother' will allow Pence to be on stage alone with a woman. One can only guess.
Trump's agenda for the next four years is broad, sweeping and delusionary. He pledged to put a man on Mars - perhaps with the help of Elon Musk and SpaceX - , create 10-million jobs in the next 10 months. expand the tax cuts, take on China, and most importantly, restore Law and Order - after his campaign broke more than 20 laws just on day five of the convention.
Trump has declared that America is 'the torch that enlightens the entire world.' What the world fears is that Trump is the torch that will burn down the entire world.
A sample of rhetoric from the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail opinion page tells it all. "Mr. perhaps the least suitable candidate for high office in the entire United States - a petulant, insecure man-child, so wholly lacking in intelligence, competence, integrity and emotional stability as to be disqualified in most states from driving a bus, let alone leading what was once the most powerful country on earth." I wonder what they have against bus drivers.
Undaunted, Trump promises that the 'American Dream' will be realized like never before. Bringing to mind George Carlin's line; "That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."
I'm just sayin'
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