Friday, February 7, 2020

More From Our Neighbors to the North

To those of you who watched or listened to the seventy-five
minute diatribe from the president on the afternoon of February
6, 2020, what can I say?  It was the incoherent ramblings of
an idiot or a madman or both. And it is about time someone
said so.  Perhaps the media does not want to alarm the rest
of the world, I don't know how they could not be alarmed
if they were listening.  I know I am frightened indeed, this
is a man who holds the nuclear codes to blow up the world,
for god's sake!

To those sniveling cowards in the Senate who said the
impeachment was a lesson and the president has learned
and will change his ways; "Where you listening?"  Do
you really think that you can control this lunatic?  He
has no moral compass to guide him, that was your job
and you failed miserably. You failed the country, you
failed the world, and you will be held accountable.

After listening to the president's speech - and I use the
term speech for lack of a more defining term - the Toronto
newspaper, The Globe and Mail, printed this on it's op-ed
page; "The Virus of Trumpism and His Infectious Moral
Failings". written by Andrew Coyne.  I would like to quote
from parts of it, if I may:
       It is not possible to look at all that Mr. Trump is
      and all that he represents - the pathological lying,
      the habitual corruption, the serial groping, the 
     casual racism, the glorification of violence, the 
     winking to Nazis, the laziness, the impulsiveness,
     the childish tantrums, the bottomless ignorance,
    the vanity, the insecurity, the vulnerability (so
     skillfully exploited by America's adversaries) to 
     flattery, the bullying, the crudity, the indifference
      to suffering, the incompetence, the chaos in the 
     White House, the attack on America's allies and
     support for it's foes, the contempt for experts and 
     for expertise, for norms and conventions, for checks
     and balances, for limited government, for the very 
     rule of law - it is not possible to be exposed to all
     this on a daily basis for four years and shrug it off
     or explain it away or accept it as part of the deal 
    without there being something wrong with you.   

This is the way people outside our country view our president,
and Canada is not alone in this feeling.  Mr. Coyne goes on to
say that this unreasonable attachment to a man of such dubious
character is akin to a cult.  And this cult-like adherence is not
just relegated to people of less than stellar intelligence.  Coyne
goes on to say:

      To reach such a verdict, in such circumstances, is 
      beyond a mere error of reasoning.  It is a moral
      error. and of a particular egregious kind.  These
      are not, after all, bar-stool yahoos or internet
      trolls, but senators who are supposed to know
      better.  To say that one disagrees with it, then, is
      insufficient.  It must be condemned, as surely 
      history will condemn it.  

Mr. Coyne speaks of the acquittal of the president as a moral failing,
and I must agree.  The damage that this president will go on to inflict,
not just on our country, but on areas of instability in the middle-east
for example.  And that damage will be attributed to all who voted to
free him of the shackles of propriety, decency, and morality.  Coyne
says further:

     It is not just a mistake to make excuses for Donald
     Trump.  It is a moral failing.  It may only be 
     blindness - while some may actively applaud 
     him for his depravities, most just minimize them -
     but this is, at this stage, culpable, if not willful

Those of you who lacked the moral certitude to convict this president
should be ashamed.  How could you not listen to one of your own who
said 'he took an oath before God' and he honored it; and then listen
to your president mock him, and mock his religion, do you not feel
any remorse?

I am ashamed of the president and I am ashamed of the government
that supports him.  I am tired of apologizing to people I visit with in
other countries when they ask me how this happened.  As a country
we have given up the moral high-ground. we have lost any sense of
rectitude. we have trashed the principles that have guided us since
our founding.  My only hope is that when these dark days are behind
us, we can find our way back.

                                                I'm just sayin'.

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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...