Sunday, September 29, 2019

When is it enough?

When is it enough?

When can I say I did my best?

When I pass the torch to the next generation?
And will they accept it?

I'm tired of fighting.  I took to the streets in the
60's, and the 70's , I marched for equal rights,
women's rights, I marched for a end of an unjust
war, and I took to the streets again after Trump's
inauguration,  along with my female colleagues.

I've been out in the cold, and the blazing heat,
I've been spit on, and called names, and now I'm
tired.  But everyday there is something coming
from this administration that boggles my mind,
it is so outrageous as to be indefensible.  Where
is the outcry, where are the people who should
be incensed by the lies, over 12,000 of them and
counting?  Why is everyone sitting there?  I can't
be the only one left who feels we are losing our
beloved country.

Or is everyone numbed by the constant onslaught?
They say the country is not in the mood for an
impeachment trial, why?  Did they not read what
I read, not see what I saw, not hear what I heard?
Am I Cassandra crying at the city gates?  Yes, I
know to overturn the vote of the people is very
serious, and should not be taken lightly.  God knows
it's been tried twice before, but this time it is not
driven by petty jealousy, by partisan bickering, it
has been well documented by a non-partisan
committee.  It has been parsed in print and the
testimony televised for all to see.

I give up, I cannot keep working for change that
will not happen.  I don't know how to reach those
people who refused to get involved.  Those who
think that this economy is good for their 401K.
Tell me what good will your retirement be when
the policies of this administration no longer
represents the beliefs of the country that you
love.  Will you take your money and go somewhere
else?  And where will that be?  America represents
all that is good and just in the world, and when we
no longer do that, what then?

One look around the world today and you can see
people risking everything; their freedom, even their
lives to protest the authoritarian rule of their
government.  This weekend there were fifty thousand
people in Moscow, and also in St. Petersburg, Russia
and even more in Hong Kong.  What do they see that
we here, in America, do not see?  They believe that
people can and will bring about real change, look at
Puerto Rico.

Ah, but I cannot give up, not as long as I draw breath.
This Saturday I was at the Farmer's market on the Square
in Madison, Wisconsin handing out brochures, bumper
stickers, campaign buttons and answering questions for
my favorite candidate for president in 2020.  I will be
there again next week and the week after that and every
week until the market closes down for the season.  Then
I will be somewhere else where the crowds gather, and then
I will be ringing doorbells and phoning my neighbors. It
matters not who I favor, only that they will serve my country
with honor and civility, and make me proud to be an American
again.  Won't you please join me?

I'm just sayin'.

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The Wolf in a Bunny Suit

 TMFKAP (the man formerly known as president) is not stupid, he is not ignorant, he is simply uneducated, and perhaps incapable of being edu...