Friday, September 6, 2019

Everybody's Got a Theory

In Friday's editorial section of the Wisconsin State Journal
of September 6th, there was an opinion piece by John
Kass, columnist for the Chicago Tribune, an
unabashedly right leaning newspaper.  It was titled
'Warren should break some eggs, drop out, back
Sanders'.  Mr. Kass purports to advise the Democrats
on how to defeat Donald Trump in 2020.  His theory
is that Joe Biden, even though he is leading in the
polls and has been ever since he joined the race, is
unelectable.  no matter that most polls have him
trouncing Trump by double-digits across the

Kass feels that Warren should 'do the right thing',
drop out, and encourage her supporters to back -
wait for it, Bernie Sanders - immediately, if not
sooner.  His justification, the progressive Democrats
remain split between Sanders and Warren which
leaves the door open for Biden to capture the
nomination.  Now I have to agree with Kass that
Biden would make a poor choice for president,
but not for the same reasons.  He would, however,
make a great candidate, and most probably could
win in 2020.

But Biden is not what the country needs right now,
if ever, his time has come and gone.  He represents
the past, and many people are waxing nostalgic
for the past.  I don't mean the past of fifty years
ago, when white men ruled, and women and people of
color were second class citizens, I mean the 'no
drama Obama' years.  When civility and good
taste were de regurrre, and America had the trust
and respect of the world.  But Thomas Wolfe had
it correct, 'you can't go back'.

The Trump administration has changed America, and
for that matter, a great deal of the world.  Pandora's
box has been opened and I'm not sure there is even
hope left.  Trump has elevated dictators and despots,
and denigrated our oldest and most trusted allies.  The
new president, whom ever it will be, will have to deal
with what is left of the shambles of America's foreign
and domestic policies.  That person will have to earn
back the trust of our friends and enemies.  America
once again will have to be open to the world.  The
present administration's policies are to withdraw
within our boarders as if the oceans that insulate us
cannot be breached in a matter of hours, and to build
walls that keep the world at bay.  "America First" is
the cry!

It is as though Trump is trying to obliterate everything the
prior administration had done, like he can erase the memory
of a black president, and assure his base that he will not
allow them to be second, ever.  And Biden is running to
restore everything the Obama, and previous presidents
had done.  But that is not presidential policy to run a
campaign on, and looking back is not going to take
America into the future.

But Bernie Sanders is not the answer either.  Kass says
that Sanders has the 'necessary authenticity', whatever
that is.  If he means that Sanders has been around for
a long time and is as old as mold, he is right there.
Perhaps he has the stamina to withstand the rigors of
a long campaign, but will he have anything left to give
the presidency is the question?  Even if, and this is a
BIG if, the Senate turns in 2020, Sanders would have
a difficult time getting his agenda passed, it is socialism
even in the eyes of the most progressive Democrats.  Yes,
the younger voters love him, who doesn't love Santa Clause?
If, however, the Senate remains in the hands of the
Republicans, and Mitch McConnell is still Senate Majority
Leader, we will face another four years of stalemates or worse.

So, Kass asks Elizabeth Warren to give up her lead and bow
to the more 'electable' male candidate.  As is that isn't insulting
enough on its premise, let's go back to the 2016 campaign.  When
it became apparent that Bernie was not going to get the
nomination - and you can argue the righteousness of that outcome
all day - did he graciously concede and throw his support to
Clinton?  Not on your life, his ego wouldn't let him, he was riding
high on adulations and reveling in it.  By the time he did concede,
and half-heartily asked his 'Bernie Backers' to think about supporting
Clinton, it was too late.  Sanders is partly responsible for Trump
being in the White House today.  Sanders is an Independent, perhaps
he should try running on that ticket.

Now let's look at Elizabeth Warren, she has moved up in the polls
and is either second or third behind Biden and Sanders, depending
on which poll you favor.  She is energetic, intelligent, articulate,
personable, and she connects with the people she talks to.  But Kass
said her big drawback is that she claimed to have American Indian
heritage.  Warren was born in Oklahoma; I defy you to find any native
Okie who doesn't have American Indian in his family tree somewhere.
I'm sure her family told the story through the generations of a great
uncle or grandfather who wore a headdress and fought the 'blue bellies'.
Many a family legend has been disproved by DNA testing.  Warren has
apologized to those people who might have been offended by her claim,
and her apology was accepted without question.

So let's look at Donald Trump, he has said his father was born in a little
town in Germany. Yeah, not unless the Bronx was a part of Germany. Fred
Trump, Donald's father, was born in the good old USA.  Where is the
hue and cry at that whopper?  Trump has been credited with well over
12,000 deliberate mis-statements - or as I like to call them, bold face
lies - and it doesn't seem to raise an eyebrow, yet Kass feels that one
inadvertent mistaken statement should disqualify Warren from the
Democratic nomination...REALLY!

As far as the debates are concerned, I do believe that facts will out-
weigh ad hominin attacks and juvenile name calling.  And the force
of Warrens positive outlook for the country will overcome the dour
predictions of doom from the other side.  You know why?  Because
she has a plan for that!

   I'm just sayin'.

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